I start this blog with a book that you can download.
This is an antique book and it explain about the chakras in a classical way. For example, this work doesn't associate the colors of each chakra as the common sense, like the Root chakra is red and so on. It's because these colors came from chromotherapy and, in a point of view, they are easier to record.
See the preface above...
*Adapted from the book. |
When a man begins to develop his senses, so that he may see a little more than
everybody sees, a new and most fascinating world opens before him, and the chakras
are among the first objects in that world to attract his attention. His fellow-men
present themselves under a fresh aspect; he perceives much with regard to them
which was previously hidden from his eyes, and he is therefore able to understand,
to appreciate and (when necessary) to help them much better than he could before.
Their thoughts and feelings are expressed clearly before his eyes in colour and form;
the stage of their development, the condition of their health become obvious facts
instead of mere matters of inference. The brilliant colouring and the rapid and
incessant movement of the chakras bring them immediately under his observation,
and he naturally wants to know what they are and what they mean. It is the object of
this book to provide an answer to those questions and to give to those who have not
yet made any attempt to unfold their dormant faculties some idea of at least this one
small section of what is seen by their more fortunate brethren.
In order to clear away inevitable preliminary misconceptions, let it be definitely
understood that there is nothing fanciful or unnatural about the sight which enables
some men to perceive more than others. It is simply an extension of faculties with
which we are all familiar, and to acquire it is to make oneself sensitive to vibrations
more rapid than those to which our physical senses are normally trained to respond.
These faculties will come to everyone in due course of evolution, but some of us
have taken special trouble to develop them now in advance of the rest, at the cost of
many years of harder work than most people would care to undertake.
I know that there are still many men in the world who are so far behind the times as
to deny the existence of such powers, just as there are still villagers who have never
seen a railway train. I have neither time nor space to argue with such invincible
ignorance; I can only refer enquirers to my book on Clairvoyance,
or to scores of
books by other authors on the same subject. The whole case has been proved
hundreds of times, and no one who is capable of weighing the value of evidence can
any longer be in doubt.
Much has been written about the chakras, but it is chiefly in Sanskrit or in some of
the Indian vernaculars. It is only quite recently that any account of them has
appeared in English. I mentioned them myself in The Inner Life
about 1910, and
since then Sir John Woodroffe’s magnificent work The Serpent Power
*Adapted from the book. |
has been
issued, and some of the other Indian books have been translated. The symbolical
drawings of them which are used by the Indian yogis were reproduced in The Serpent Power, but so far as I am aware the illustrations which I give in this book
are the first attempt to represent them as they actually appear to those who can see
them. Indeed, it is chiefly in order to put before the public this fine series of
drawings by my friend the Rev. Edward Warner that I write this book, and I wish to
express my deep indebtedness to him for all the time and trouble that he has devoted
to them. I have also to thank my indefatigable collaborator, Professor Ernest Wood,
for the collection and collation of all the valuable information as to the Indian views
on our subject which is contained in Chapter V.
Being much occupied with other work, it was my intention merely to collect and
reprint as accompanying letterpress to the illustrations the various articles which I
had long ago written on the subject; but as I looked over them certain questions
suggested themselves and a little investigation put me in possession of additional
facts, which I have duly incorporated. An interesting point is that both the vitalityglobule and the kundalini-ring were observed by Dr. Annie Besant and catalogued
as hyper-meta-proto elements as long ago as 1895, though we did not then follow
them far enough to discover their relation to one another and the important part that
they play in the economy of human life.
C. W. L.
To acesss the book, just click in the link:
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